ABOUT - EGO Controls

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The team of EGO Control Systems
Yngve Sandboe  - has been involved in software development for professional lighting,  sound, and audio-visual control  for more than 20 years. He also has  extensive background from lighting in professional, large scale  environments, including many years at the National Theatre in Oslo,  Norway. Some of his most notable feats include the development of the  AVAB VLC/Safari system, SandMan architectural control, and Net network  operating system, and the SandBox interfaces. Yngve is the "father" of  the Prego (Hator) and EGO Software.

Yngve is located outside Oslo, Norway, and can be reached at:

+47 66 78 02 30
Manfred Schachenmann   - has been in engineering for the lighting industry for over 40 years.  He has been involved in both practical stage work and in electronics for  both lighting controls and stage automation. He has also been involved   in product design and marketing. He has a University-Diploma in Dance  & Culture.

Manfred is located near Basel, Switzerland and can be reached at:

+41 61 331 59 55
or in Germany
+49 7621 916 60 90
Console History
Prego History

Prego software  was first created in 2004 as a successor of the 2 products Safari VLC  lighting control by AVAB, and SandNet networking for lighting.
Safari  VLC first saw light in 1991 as a product developed for the Swedish and  multinational company AVAB. SandNet surfaced from 2000 as a continuation  of networking knowledge developed for VLC, experimenting with  networking for entertainment lighting.
All of this software development has been issued by the Norwegian company Yngve Sandboe AS. Prego has  been developed by keeping the AVAB VLC way of thinking. A rich, easy,  and creative way of programming, as an extension to the lighting  designers mind. Prego is pure software, but still optimised for various 3rd party control surfaces, and even for embedding inside full featured small and large lighting desks (example HATOR for ADB).

There are first of all 3 series of consoles pretty much optimized for Prego :

  • AVAB: All old VLC Safari consoles + Presto and Pronto. Built from 1991-2004.
  • EGO: All consoles are built for Prego. From 2008 and still making new.
  • ADB: All Hathor consoles are built for Prego. From 2010 to 2019.

Prego has been distributed in various ways all over the world. Mostly hidden and embedded into consoles from EGO or ADB.

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